


joe posted @ 2010年5月19日 22:41 in 电脑基础 with tags word , 5795 阅读


③、取消每节的“同上一节”设置,以便对每节进行单独编写:将光标调至第2节(即正文所在节)在页眉,点击页眉页脚编辑工具栏上的“同前”,这样就是取消 “同上一节”的设置,使得两节的页眉可以分别设置(因为默认设置为“同前”),否则无论修改哪一节,另一节都会跟着改变的,同理,页脚也同样处理。 
⑤、删除页眉中的下划线:全选页眉(注意,一定要将段落标记也选入。也可以三击鼠标左键),“格式”→“边框和底纹”→ “边框”→“无”,注意对话框右下解的“应用范围”应该是“段落”,再点击“确定”即可取消下划线; 
⑤、删除页眉中的下划线:全选要取消的页眉(注意,一定要将段落标记也选入。也可以三击鼠标左键),“格式”→“边框和底纹”→ “边框”→“无”,注意对话框右下解的“应用范围”应该是“段落”,再点击“确定”即可取消下划线; 
b、在页眉处插入文本框:光标调至页眉,“插入”→“文本框”→“竖排”,按鼠标左键,光标变为“+”,不放,画一个文本框,输入文字,将文字和段落标记均选中,“格式”→“边框和底纹”→ “边框”→“自定义”,选择“线型”、“颜色”、“宽度”,在“预览”里选择下边框线,“确定”; 

전설 서구 说:
2021年2月27日 21:20

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John 111 说:
2021年5月30日 15:13

A few days ago, a new cycling year started. The Pro Tour calendar will begin in France, the Paris - Nice will be the first race from March 11st to March 18th, but UCI teams are working for this season. Most of them called their cyclist in December 2006, and after some hard-working days in training camps they are ready to fight in the roads. Alessandro Bazzoni

John 111 说:
2021年5月30日 15:27

It's our favorite time of year: Bachelorette Season! It seems like just yesterday, we were discussing the Bentley drama surrounding Ashley Hebert's season. (In case you were wondering, Ashley is still happily engaged and now living in NYC with her Bachelorette suitor, JP Rosenbaum. The couple actually just celebrated their one year anniversary. Awwwww.) Alessandro Bazzoni

John 111 说:
2021年5月30日 15:37

The football equivalent of the Oscars swept into London on Tuesday as the first ever FIFpro awards were announced in front of renowned stars from the worlds of sport, music, screen and even our very own Marc Duffy (but the legality of how the ticket was gain is still under suspicion!) Alessandro Bazzoni

John 111 说:
2021年5月30日 15:48

An article that highlights 6 organizations that are dedicated to the success and support of Home Based Businesses. Each organization focuses on different aspects of a business. Alessandro Bazzoni

John 111 说:
2021年5月30日 15:59

How is your agency progressing with your insurance agency marketing plans? Are you talking about executing these important web marketing initiatives or actually accomplishing these tasks? Are your marketing initiatives yielding the results you seek, and are you measuring the campaigns to determine ROI? Are your programs traditional or web based, or some combination of both? Review the key insurance agency web marketing activities below, and see if your agency receives a passing grade. Top PR Agencies in India

John 111 说:
2021年5月30日 16:07

Teeth are lost because of trauma or disease. Trauma may come in the form of an accident or excessive biting forces. Disease is generally tooth decay or periodontal disease (gum disease) but there are other categories such as cancer and various neoplasm's of the jaw that may result in tooth loss. Tooth Implant

Hall Ticket 2022 说:
2021年10月30日 15:14

Before the end of May 2022, the district-by-district final selection list in school-by-school will be released. The entrance exam hall ticket has now been successfully downloaded, Hall Ticket 2022 along with the exam schedule, a photograph of the student, and information about the designated exam centre. The Department of Higher Education is a government agency that oversees higher education. The exact date is unknown. Aspirants will not be given a Hall Ticket.

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JDC Result jessore 说:
2022年9月03日 21:55

Bangladesh Education Board DPE has conducted the class 8th grade of Junior School Certificate Exam and Junior Dakhil Certificate Exam on 1st to 15th November 2022 at all centers in division wise under Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MOPME), and the class 8th grade terminal examination tests are successfully conducted for all eligible JSC/JDC ​​students for the academic year of 2022. JDC Result jessore The Bangladesh government Minister of Secondary Education is going to announce the JSC Result 2022 in student wise for division students in education board wise, and the result documents will be submitted to the Prime Minister of the country after then the result with mark sheet will be announced to public to check the individual result.

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